Friday, July 27, 2007

Potter Strikes!

As we step off the Bullet Train in Osaka, the air is filled with a feeling of longing. Five days into the trip we have performed at prestigious Jazz Clubs, eaten world class cuisine, and experienced a culture unlike anything we have ever encountered. But many members of the band still have a large void left unfulfilled. As we walk through the lobby of the New Hankyu Hotel our tour guide Harumi gives us the agenda for the coming day. But it isn't until she mentions the word "bookstore" the people start paying attention.

We see a crazed look come over the eyes of several band members and their lips began to quiver. Like giddy children going to the candy store, our band mates sprint to the store with Yen in hand. They were on a mission to find the way to Hogwarts one last time. In case you're confused, we are talking about the popular "CHILDREN'S" book Harry Potter. With the seventh and final installment coming out just days into our trip many decided they had seen enough of real Japan and were ready to bury their mind in an over zealous children's fantasy for the rest of the trip.

Though at first it seemed harmless, we began to feel worried when "The Book" began to jeopardize the whole reason we came to Japan to begin with--to play music. This first became clear when several members pulled an all-nighter to tear through the first 23 chapters of the 2,419 page book. This left them unfocused and at times unconscious during the sound check the next day.

But during the performance things took a turn for the worst. Trombonist Eva decided during some "free time" during a Sax solo to pull out the book and consequently missed her entrance into the next section. Guitarist Dylan, who was reading the book on stage while playing didn't noticed that the song had ended and continued to strum away while muttering things like "Lumos Gozimas". Things really got out of control when our Director Charles Hamilton mistakingly introduced our 5th trumpet player as Ron Weasley.

So to all you parents out there who think you need to spend $2,000 to send your kid to Japan to have a good time, just know you could have spent $20 to send them to Hogwarts instead. And for the sake of the rest of the trip, let us clue you into one little secret: Page 2,374... ハリーは死ぬ

- Ari & Evan


Anonymous said...

Our worst fears confirmed! Just what we dreaded to have happen. Adults - take the books away - hide them until the flight home!

Anonymous said...

This Harry Potter stuff was truely funny.... I'm sure Mr. Hamilton doesn't think so.... but it just is.... I love the photo of David talking to the Japanese (female) students. I'm sure this is one of the things he likes most about Japan....


Anonymous said...

This is a put-on, right? The adults (there ARE adults on the tour, yes?) wouldn't actually let the students read anything (not even Hairy Potter) during a concert. If so, yeah, I wasted my two grand.

Anonymous said...

There are adults on the tour, but we're busy reading Harry Potter and didn't notice anything odd going on.